Well, I haven't kept up very well with this blog in the past. However, I'd like to take a cue and some inspiration from Erin and Jess, and write every day.
I always like and want to write.. but I don't always have the inspiration. It also helps when I know people are reading..
So, I've decided to begin the 365 photo project to get me on here everyday.. and hopefully get you interested in checking me out. ::wink::
You may or may not know, I really like taking photos. Actually, that's an understatement. I absolutely LOVE taking photos and feel naked and incomplete when I don't have my camera to grab and snap a photo with. So, I really believe it will help me get my hiney back to this site daily.
Today, I'm at work. Lunch is almost over.. and that means I'll have to stop playing online, sign back in, and open my office door.
I still smell like an orange, which is actually not too bad. I told my Mom, on the phone, that I wasn't sure whether we should have Clemintines on the car-ride to the ass bottom of Florida because they'll be messy and smelly. I know it's smelly in a good way.. but citrus can hand out headaches occasionally.
Today also marks a milestone - I've finally learned how to get photos from my camera to the computer. Which is a bummer because that would have come in handy a week ago before I lost all the old photos on the old camera. Such is life.
hey heidi! Jess sent me a link to your blog. i am doing the picture thing too! i don't have a blog yet but i am using my flickr account for now. maybe eventually i will try blogging but in the meantime, i look forward to reading yours!
ok, i decided to go ahead and make a blog http://sdechirico.blogspot.com. i am still going to enjoy yours though!
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