Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

These days, I unfortunately find myself with little time to create the crafts that I think about all the time. However, last night I babysat and stayed overnight. I had some free time to use so I made some Valentines for all the kiddies I watch. They are not all in the same family - they come in 2's and the last one is my boyfriend's niece. Anyway, my new favorite craft supply is those foam sheets. You can make ANYthing out of them!! Very exciting.

These are my 9 children. I love them all.. the angels as well as the monsters ;)

I sketched hearts in red and pink foam, cut em out and glued them together with "glitter glue" - which was the only glue I had on hand. I used black tee shirt paint the write the names and I poked holes in the top of each with an end of the scissors for ribbon.

I figured they could hang them on their door knobs or something. Just little reminders that I care for each of them!

Happy Valentines Day... I hope you had a good one.. whether you're single or taken. <3

Til next time.. Live Swell!

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